Nannie took these babies to get their picture made and I had to take a few with my camera.
While we're here in TN we got to see our friends. On the left is Keyanna holding her & Troy's little boy Zethan. Then me & the girls. On the right is Keva holding her & Trevor's little boy Micah. We had fun seeing them for a few minutes.
Zethan, Taylor, Micah, & Cameron
It's hard to get these baies picture taken.
Lyndsey was helping to get Taylor to sleep.
Here's Bop napping with Cameron.
Here are the girls sleeping on their PaPa's couch while were visiting TN.
On the girls 4 month birthday they got to eat baby food for the first time. We started with carrots. Their MiMi helped me feed them.
Here are the girls in their robes and house shoes. Taylor's left & Cameron's right
This picture is a little fuzzy but it's still cute!
Today we went to the Dr. and the girls are doing so good. Cameron actually weighs 1 ounce more than Taylor now. Cameron weighs 13 lbs. 3 oz. and Taylor weighs 13 lbs. 2 oz. The Dr. gave us the go ahead to start feeding them baby food in a week and a 1/2, because they'll be 4 months. I am dreading this stage b/c it isn't easy to spoon feed 2 babies at one time. It's going to be a mess!!!!! We just extended the girls schedule. They wake up and eat at 7. The next bottle is 11, then 3. And the last bottle is at 7. We just started this yesterday and they're doing OK. Just OK. We also started putting 6 oz. in each bottle instead of 5 & 1/2. They are getting so good at sleeping through the night. It's great!! They still aren't doing great with naps during the day. Instead of taking real naps the cat nap most of the day. They take sometimes up to 6 little naps during the day. It makes it hard for me to get stuff done. Also Cameron is going through a stage where if someone's not right there talking to her she starts whining. Literally little whaa's. As soon as I walk over to her and look at her she smiles. I hope this is just a stage b/c I really can't accomplish anything if I have to sit and look at her all day. Although she sure is pretty to look at!! Taylor is doing great. She spits up really bad though. Other than that she is mostly happy and staring with her huge eyes. Well I'll keep y'all posted. Gotta go feed them sweet babies!!
The picture isn't quite that close up. I had to crop alot of it out so that I could fit it on the blog. Other wise it was way to big of a file.
This is the picture that we had done at the mall. OK Grandparents if you would like to have an 8 x 10 of this picture its 18 + tax or if you'd like 2, 5x7's its also 18 + tax. Let me know so that I can order it and bring it when I come to TN.
Yeah!!!!!!!!! I thought I would tell y'all the exciting news. Last night, March 3rd, was the first night that both girls slept all the way through the night without needing their pacifier. It was wonderful!!! We woke up at 7 and had to wake the girls up for their first bottle. They have been sleeping thropugh the night without a bottle since they were 10 weeks, but that was the first time I didn't have to wake up and give 1 of them a paci. Yeah!!!
Thursday, March 03, 2005
We went to CA this past week for a missions conference. We had a great time and the girls did so good. This is there first flight. I have Cameron & Dustin has Taylor.
While in CA we went to the San Diego Zoo. Dustin has Cameron & I have Taylor.
Dustin and I at the zoo.
These are the kids of the family that took us to the zoo. Their names are Andrew, Matthew, Blake, Lindsey, Katelyn, and Dillon. We had fun with them.
Cameron enjoyed the zoo.
Taylor was cold at the zoo.
Here's Dustin giving Katelyn a shoulder ride.
We went to Palm Spring one day. It was so cool. At the bottom of the mtn. it was 75 degrees and beautiful. Then we took the tram up the mtn.
At the top of the mountain we enjoyed the snow.
This is on the tram looking down at the windmills.
On the tram we looked down at Palm Springs.
We stayed with Della Hernandez. This is the view on her road.
I am married to my college love, Dustin. We have twin girls Cameron & Taylor that were born in Nov. 04. We also have a new baby, Peyton. She was born April 08. Our family is devoted to following Christ!!!