Tomorrow the girls will be 5 months old. It's crazy!! Sorry I haven't done good at taking pictures since we got back from TN. I'll be sure to take some over the next few days. Taylor rolled from her tummy to her back this past Monday for the 1st time. Cameron rolled over from her tummy to her back a couple of weeks ago. She did it like 5 days in a row and then decided she didn't want to do it anymore. This week she has started to do it more often. Cameron also rolled over from her back to her tummy yesterday for the 1st time. It's very exciting. The bad thing is this means soon enough they'll be all over the place and my mommy job will change again. The hardest part is that once you get the hang of one thing it changes. Like once I got used to feeding them both with bottles by myself, it was time for them to also have baby food. That's been tough to get used to but I'm getting better. This past week I've had a lot of practice. Dustin has been gone for work more often so I've had to do it by myself. We bought these little foam things to lay them on to give them baths in the tub. That has been very helpful b/c their little booties don't slide all over the place. Using that I can even bathe them together by myself. Like I said though as I get used to things they change. When they start being more mobile everything will change.
On a different note they are doing better with sleeping. It took us a while after our trip to TN to get back on a good sleep schedule. They are back to sleeping through the night. I've had to get up to give Cameron her paci and rock her but thats not so bad. Taylor is breaking herself ffrom her paci and using her thumb instead. She sucks on her thumb to help put herself to sleep. Thats been great b/c if she spits it out she can find it again on her own. During the day they're still struggling with taking good naps but I think they're doing better. Just the past 2 days Cameron has taken 1 1/2 hour naps and Taylor has taken 1 hour naps with an extra nap in the afternoon. Well thats a lot of info but I thought I'd give y'all an update. Yeah! 5 months tomorrow.