Well, I know this blog is mostly about the girls and pics of them, but I thought I would tell y'all what we're up to as a family right now. Next Sunday we will be meeting for the first time with our new church. Last year we met a guy named Joel Engle and realized that we were all equally interested in church planting. So we started meeting with him & his wife and praying about where, when, and how. We decided on Keller, TX. It is a huge growing area. It is amazing how many people are moving into Keller. Dustin is going to be on staff with the new church, but they are all raising their own support. So right now we are trying to figure out exactly what that means for us. Since I'll be having Peyton very soon, our plan is that I'll stay home with the girls. Childcare is just way to expensive for 3 kids. So we are excited about all the things God is doing right now and can't wait to see what else he does. If you would like to see the new church website check out www.theexchangedfw.com. The church is called The Exchange. If you click the title of this post it is a link to the church. I still don't really know how to put a link in my blog. You would think after using blogger for about 4 years I would be familiar. Truth is that I've only taught myself how to post regular posts and pictures.