I'm not really sure what to post just thought I needed to post. So here I am. I'm so excited about what God is doing right now at our church
The Exchange. We've have seen so many people come to Christ and many more come back to church after not being involved in a long time. It is wonderful to see people coming to a real relationship with Christ and others becoming real with the things they are struggling with. It has been shocking but eye opening to have people open up with their real struggles. Our pastor
Joel Engle has made it a huge priority for our church to have real relationships. It has been crazy to see the prayer requests that people are telling the church to pray for. People aren't scared to say their struggling with lust, anger, or hate. Marriages are being healed because the couples are really talking. People aren't coming to church to just play church. I love so much about being apart of a new church. It's funny because probably 6 or 7 years ago I would have been the first person to say why are people starting all these new churches. There are plenty of churches already existing. But what I've learned over time is that YES there are tons of churches, but those churches aren't reaching everybody who needs to find JESUS. Who really cares how many churches there are as long as more people are coming to know Christ. I think as we prepare for Easter we need to remember that it's all about Christ!!!! It's not about the Easter dress, the silly bunny, which church you go to, or how much money you giving. It's all about Jesus and telling others about HIM! Having a REAL relationship with Christ is life-changing. You realize that your things are not your things. They are just a tool God uses to use you to tell others about Christ. Please take the time this week to read about what Christ has done for you and invite someone who doesn't have a REAL relationship with Christ to church this Sunday. I can assure you every church will have an amazing message.
It's kind of funny how a post can just come from out of nowhere. I took a couple of pics of the girls yesterday that I'll try to post soon. Also 2 weeks and sweet Peyton will be 1. Isn't it crazy how fast a year can pass by?