Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Horse Ride

Several weekends ago we went to a place called Christ's Haven. It is such a neat place. It is a home for kids without a home. They have several houses on the campus and have the kids in houses according to age and gender. Dustin has a couple of students from school who live here. They had an open house and invited teachers of the students and other people in the community. It was a fun morning for us. They have horses and a stable. The girls were able to ride on a horse together. They looked so cute. I was so sad that I didn't have my camera. Dustin took a pic with his camera phone. The quality isn't great, but I still wanted to share it with everyone. They're getting so big. I have been interested in foster care for a long time and I thought this was an amazing place helping these kids. I hope that when the girls grow up that we might be able to be foster parents. I'll probably have to talk Dustin into it, but I think it would be such a neat ministry opportunity.

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